Every day we fumble through our experiences growing from our successes and failures. That's what "Fumbling thru the Pieces" is all about. The characters in "Fumbling" are reflections of us in our own reality.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Fumbling thru the Pieces - Episode 9 - Season 1 - "It's five o'clock som...
Check New Episode 9 of Fumbling thru the Pieces " It's five o'clock somewhere".
The Hurst - reverbnation - 30 May 2011
Fumbling Thru The Pieces
Season 1
~~~ * ~~~
I know you are all aware of the FANTASTIC Original Music we have on the Show...
~~~ * ~~~
The Hursts Now on reverbnation and itunes!
Donna & Eric have been playing music and writing music for years. Last year The Hursts teamed up to write and record original music for the Indy TV show "Fumbling Thru the Pieces". You have been watching the series and hearing parts of some of the songs from the show which features the theme song "Fumbling Thru the Pieces" by The Hursts.
The Hursts will be releasing a new CD soon!
We need your support now more than ever.
The Hursts are entering an international songwriting competition July 1st.
We need to show a strong presence from as many states as we can.
It is simple to do:
and Click on BECOME A FAN!
If one person from a state clicks on BECOME A FAN the state on our map turns light green. If five or more people from a state click on BECOME A FAN then the state turns dark green.
We appreciate your support! Please pass this message on to your friends and family members who live in other states.
Thank you,
Donna & Eric Hurst,
& Fumbling Thru The PIeces
Saturday, May 28, 2011
McDonalds Apple Pies! - Saturday 28May2011
Fumbling Thru The Pieces
Episode 9
*** New ***
" it's 5 o'clock somewhere "
Fumbling Thru The Pieces - Behind The Scenes!
An assorted collection of Picture, from the shooting of Fumbling Thru The Pieces
Deep behind the scenes...(smile)
Ava: Fumbling Thru The Pieces of -
McDonalds Apple Pies!
Hi!!!! (smile)
So, the other night - I went to 'My Starbucks'... I got the call about 8pm - and after some soul searching (McDonalds Apple Pies), I went over...
I have been going to this 'My Starbucks' since it opened... 5 or 6 years ago... And we have a 'nite time crew' - only in the mild-ness-est of weather - does about a dozen - dozen and a half, of us meet up at 'SB' - and it just is plain silliness...
So, one of the young men - that grew up around our group - was lamenting his fate with this girl he is - 'doing'... It seem that he has a 'semester friend with benefits' - Yes! - and he is 12 weeks into the semester with 3 more weeks to go... And he is torn whether to break-up with her now (and spare her feelings) or wait out the 3 weeks and dump her...
And this is why I am not dating right now...
He is the kinda kid that his mother is proud of him!... Just a normal guy - developing some very bad habits - about woman... And one woman who will sooner or later (3weeks) will be Fumbling Thru The Pieces...
See ya tomorrow...
~~} Fumbling Thru The Pieces - Web Site -- The Promo {~~
--- Channel (Our YouTube CHANNEL) ---
Thursday, May 26, 2011
*NEW* Episode 9 - "its 5 o'clock somewhere" - Thursday 26May2011

Submitted for your review
Episode 9 -
"it's 5 o'clock somewhere"
See ya tomorrow...
~~} Fumbling Thru The Pieces - Web Site -- The Promo {~~
--- Channel (Our YouTube CHANNEL) ---
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Wednesday 25May2011
Episode 9 - Tomorrow
(Thursday - 26th May at 4pm PST)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi This interview happened - Today.... AMAZING!!!
Now, tell me how could I have made this any easier!!!
Listen to internet radio with BuzzWorthy Radio on Blog Talk Radio
- Behind The Scenes!
An assorted collection of Picture, from the shooting of Fumbling Thru The Pieces
Franci Zalon (our friend) - played the 'Crying Woman' - in Episode 4....
Ava: Fumbling Thru The Pieces of -
Hi!!!! (smile)
Okay, I snuck home! I am so tired... (smile) - Luv my job but tired...
Then there was the BuzzWorthy Radio Interview - OMGosh! - I have to be here and participate... and "My" show - did a wonderful interview.... Great Job - Donna Hurst & Julie A. Smith... (smile)
Give it a listen!!!!
Okay - so I am back for a while - and lets get blogging over the next few weeks...
See ya tomorrow...
See ya tomorrow...
~~} Fumbling Thru The Pieces - Web Site -- The Promo {~~
--- Channel (Our YouTube CHANNEL) ---
Fumbling thru the Pieces - Promo
Fumbling thru the Pieces JULIE SMITH DONNA HURST of Fumbling Thru the Pieces www.blogtalkradio.com. Julie Smith and Donna Hurst are the writers and creators for the webseries Fumbling Thru the Pieces. May 25
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Fumbling thru the Pieces - Episode 8 - Season 1 - "House Guest"
JULIE SMITH & DONNA HURST of #FTTP on BuzzWorthy Radio 05/25. http://tobtr.com/s/1910531
Monday, May 23, 2011
Blog: Monday 23May2011
Fumbling Thru The Pieces
- Behind The Scenes!
An assorted collection of Picture, from the shooting of Fumbling Thru The Pieces
THE DONUTS BOX - The most important item in the whole of Fumbling Thru The Pieces filming. Here we have the generous (donated her house for 4 days!) and lovely Carole... I just saw her the weekend past, past - she is so funny!.... (smile)
Ava: Fumbling Thru The Pieces of -
Hi!!!! (smile)
Thanks for hanging in there... There hasn't been a blog for like 3, maybe 4 days... but it couldn't be helped.... Okay! just an idea of what I have been up to... (smile)
Education is important to me! it's said and it is so!... Personal Development is important to me! it's said, and it is so!... and the raw un-bridled consumption of anything that interest me - Is important! (wink) - So, I found this weekend "Unmessable - How To Be Unmessable With" - It's shared, it's out there and it is so!!!! - Done & Done!!! (smile)
Let's see - other stuff - that I need to get you caught up on...
Web Series Unplugged - Last I heard, the next one is on June 15, 2011 - My part 2 of my Web Series Blog - is trapped in The Bosses iPhone - Huh! why I need my own... I will get that, and complete that this week... I am so happy that we found them it is a spirited group of creative minds and talents - that were amazing... Okay, more later... (FB:Michael McCarthy Presents )
Girl Parts - I have not touched "Girl Parts" The Series" (WOW! that phrase - wow!) - in a few weeks... I will get a full update, and a few new pictures, from Kelsey Robinson (Jessie)... and share those...
Fumbling Thru The Pieces Web Site - Bio's, behind the scenes pics, links, credits, a MAP - I don't know to where, but a map!... all kinds of good stuff about Fumbling Thru The Pieces! - Should we tell 'TheBos' - we Hats and T-shirts? - I would love a T-shirt that said "Ellie Love!" - (smile - I am getting fired!) - IDK, I would love a friend like Ellie!
The Hurst: There New song, Premiered in Episode 8 of Fumbling Thru The Pieces: "When I Lay Me Down" Performed by The Hursts (Donna Hurst, Eric Hurst) - I know you can hear it on Reverbnation - but I haven't heard when it will be available to purchase - I am waiting for that too!
Episode 9 *New* - I am uploading this one - and dang-it - IT'S GOING TO BE ON TIME! - we are still working on it... the pressures of Post-Production... but it will be amazing... (smile) - I hope you plan on being there at the 'On Time' RELEASE OF EPISODE 9 ON THURSDAY, MAY 26, 4pm PST release...
And I feel like that is it for the current moment... I am going to hang on to this one for an hour or so and see if I am rushing through things - and have forgotten to add something... (smile)
Nope - nothing else.. (smile)
See ya tomorrow...
Friday, May 20, 2011
Fumbling thru the Pieces - Episode 8 - Season 1 - "House Guest"
Episode 8 of Fumbling thru the Pieces - Episode 8 - Season 1 - "House Guest" www.youtube.com
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Thursday 19May2011
Episode 8 - "House Guest"
Vince is reminded that hosting Barb even as house guest for one night can be challenging on so many levels!
All of the great Episodes of Fumbling Thru The Pieces are available for you on our YouTube Channel....
- Behind The Scenes!
An assorted collection of Picture, from the shooting of Fumbling Thru The Pieces
Let see, I have
Hillary B. Smith, Robert Maffia, and the back of Kelsey Robinson...
Ava: Fumbling Thru The Pieces of -
Web Series Unplugged...
So Last night at Web Series Unplugged...
This was my first time at this Event, and after experiencing it, it will not be my last... El Cid Restaurant is "Awesome-ly Unusual" it has this kind of "lost in Hollywood Hacienda" feel that is fun and interesting... This picture is as you descend a bunch of stairs... and look back - it is... (smile)
The El Cid has those "old world space issues" - kinda like when things were smaller - because we knew how to proportion things... but there is plenty of room and some tight spots, too... - Don't ask about the Bathroom... (Show up at the next Web Series Unplugged and I will tell you that story!!!)
Here we have Micheal McCarthy (FB:Michael McCarthy Presents ) he is doing Web Series Unplugged - Talk about knowledgeable, enthusiastic and upbeat... It was my pleasure to meet him... and not only that - he MC the night.... WOW!
(above) This was early in the evening - "big screen" - I have to say Fumbling Thru The Pieces never looked so good... and there are booths around the back of the room as you will see shortly - never mind look at the next picture... "You have spooky eye people" (smile) the is Julie A. Smith, Marcella DuChenne (deep in the back), Marina Garcia, Donna Hurst, Franci Zalon - Our friends came to support this adventure...
So, you can see its nice, I didn't get any pictures of the fire place... Chilly, it was last night - but not that cold - but I like fire places that make me feel like the "Hot Flashes" are other then me... (smile)
Now, Kelsey Robinson, entered the evening late... like about 10:30ish when - it was time to change shows... (you ask - what other show?, Ava! - In due time, due time... (smile)) - but I managed to get a picture with this wonderful woman...
Okay, there is so much going on Right Now - that I am almost - Insane-er! - There is much more to the Web Series Unplugged - but I need to get a blog posted... and I like this point... So, Next week - more...
So, Have a Great Weekend and I will see you - on Monday or Tuesday...
See ya tomorrow...
~~} Fumbling Thru The Pieces - Web Site -- The Promo {~~
~~} Episode 1 -Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6 {~~
--- Channel (Our YouTube CHANNEL) ---
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Fumbling thru the Pieces - Episode 8 - Season 1 - "House Guest"
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Tuesday 17May2011
Episode 8 - "House Guest"
Vince is reminded that hosting Barb even as house guest for one night can be challenging on so many levels!
All of the great Episodes of
Fumbling Thru The Pieces
are available for you
on our YouTube Channel....
All of the great Episodes of
Fumbling Thru The Pieces
are available for you
on our YouTube Channel....
And Tomorrow night
is Web Series Unplugged!!!
Want to see you all there!!!
Los Angeles Screening
at Web Series Unplugged
Fumbling Thru The Pieces
Wednesday May 18th @ 8 pm
at El Cid
"Unplug yourself from the web and watch some great web series with friends, followers and fans!"
If you are in the Los Angeles Area,
we look forward to seeing you...
El Cid (Silverlake)
4212 W. Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles 90029
Admission is an $8 cover – 21+
8pm Show
Web Series Unplugged - Facebook Page -
at Web Series Unplugged
Fumbling Thru The Pieces
Wednesday May 18th @ 8 pm
at El Cid
"Unplug yourself from the web and watch some great web series with friends, followers and fans!"
If you are in the Los Angeles Area,
we look forward to seeing you...
El Cid (Silverlake)
4212 W. Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles 90029
Admission is an $8 cover – 21+
8pm Show
Web Series Unplugged - Facebook Page -
Fumbling Thru The Pieces
- Behind The Scenes!
An assorted collection of Picture, from the shooting of Fumbling Thru The Pieces
Ava: Fumbling Thru The Pieces of -
And So...
Hi!!!! (smile)
Okay! well last night did not go well! ( #FAIL - I am still upset about that one!) - Lowe Taylor our Wardrobe person, was performing in "SIAMESE SEX SHOW - A Hip Hop Superhero Musical ONE NIGHT ONLY" which goes something like this: SIAMESE SEX SHOW is the story of five hip-hop pop stars who must band together to stop evil Monocorp from virtually taking over the world. But - it was Lowe's Show - I have been so horrible over the past few months - I have not made it to any thing that she has been it! "AVA-Friend-G-ddess!" - yah! not so much!
Who knew - one would need reservations! Usually, I get an invite, from some kind, hopeful person - and that person takes care of all of that stuff... So, I have no, idea - Well, now I do! I just feel like the worst Friend... on a couple of fronts... but those stories I will save...
It has come to my attention that, I do not Reference or Mention the Fumbling Thru The Pieces WEB SITE - Located at http://fumblingthruthepieces.com/
It's 'OFFICAL' - it is my First resource for information - and there are pictures and BIO'S - and we have plans...
So, Please take a look - You will like it!.... and I will keep you better updated...
Okay, I just got home, and I am on my third load of laundry!!! - I am concerned! - this 'Mode' thing is not going away - but it is efficient....
See ya tomorrow...
~~} Fumbling Thru The Pieces - Web Site -- The Promo {~~
--- Channel (Our YouTube CHANNEL) ---
Monday, May 16, 2011
Monday 16May2011
Episode 8 - "House Guest"
Vince is reminded that hosting Barb even as house guest for one night can be challenging on so many levels!
All of the great Episodes of
Fumbling Thru The Pieces
are available for you
on our YouTube Channel....
All of the great Episodes of
Fumbling Thru The Pieces
are available for you
on our YouTube Channel....
Los Angeles Screening
at Web Series Unplugged
Fumbling Thru The Pieces
Wednesday May 18th @ 8 pm
at El Cid
"Unplug yourself from the web and watch some great web series with friends, followers and fans!"
If you are in the Los Angeles Area,
we look forward to seeing you...
El Cid (Silverlake)
4212 W. Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles 90029
Admission is an $8 cover – 21+
8pm Show
Web Series Unplugged - Facebook Page -
at Web Series Unplugged
Fumbling Thru The Pieces
Wednesday May 18th @ 8 pm
at El Cid
"Unplug yourself from the web and watch some great web series with friends, followers and fans!"
If you are in the Los Angeles Area,
we look forward to seeing you...
El Cid (Silverlake)
4212 W. Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles 90029
Admission is an $8 cover – 21+
8pm Show
Web Series Unplugged - Facebook Page -
{~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~} ===============================================
Fumbling Thru The Pieces
- Behind The Scenes!
An assorted collection of Picture, from the shooting of Fumbling Thru The Pieces
"It looks tough - this "industry life", hard work, glamor, knowledge and some moxie! but what, What! - when you got nothing left... " = = = = IDK! This is Production Assistant: Stormie Puente and Set Designer/Prop Master: Mason Kaplan - at the ready! (smile)
Ava: Fumbling Thru The Pieces of -
It's Monday...
Hi!!!! (smile)
Okay, I am done with Work-Work for the day and now it is time for the other work...True, it doesn't feel like work-work.... I luv to write, I luv to be silly, and I luv a challenge, and this blog assignment is totally all of that...
I got home, and tossed everything on the Dining Room Table - picked up a soda...
and got to it...
So, the important things for the Day!
Yesterday: Attended a Fund Raiser\Birthday Party
It was really nice - The Fund Raiser was for Women Educators - and the birthday party was awesome too... I have pictures - but they are in TheBoss's iPhone....
Tonight: Lowe Taylor (Wardrobe) is doing SIAMESE SEX SHOW - A Hip Hop Superhero Musical ONE NIGHT ONLY
SIAMESE SEX SHOW is the story of five hip-hop pop stars who must band together to stop evil Monocorp from virtually taking over the world.
(Sounds like fun - I'll let you know...)
Wednesday: Web Series Unplugged at El Cid!!!
This will be a blast!
Showroom Screen features the following Web Series:
Fumbling Thru The Pieces
Los Krazy Killers
The Happy Happy Show
Alls U Need is Luv
Big Douche Chill
5second films
Family Sandwich
A Guy Walks Into A Bar
Fumbling Thru The Pieces
Los Krazy Killers
The Happy Happy Show
Alls U Need is Luv
Big Douche Chill
5second films
Family Sandwich
A Guy Walks Into A Bar
El Cid (Silverlake) -4212 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, California
So, that is it for now!
Blogs may be later in the day for a couple of days - until I get caught-up!
And I will try to make the events calender a bit more often...
Have a great tomorrow....
See ya tomorrow...
~~} Fumbling Thru The Pieces - Web Site -- The Promo {~~
~~} Episode 1 -Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6 {~~
--- Channel (Our YouTube CHANNEL) ---
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Behind The Scenes - Web Series Unplugged (May 18th) - Ava: Wife Mode - Blog: Sunday;15May2011
Episode 8 - "House Guest"
Vince is reminded that hosting Barb even as house guest for one night can be challenging on so many levels!
All of the great Episodes of
Fumbling Thru The Pieces
are available for you
on our YouTube Channel....
All of the great Episodes of
Fumbling Thru The Pieces
are available for you
on our YouTube Channel....
Los Angeles Screening
at Web Series Unplugged
Fumbling Thru The Pieces
Wednesday May 18th @ 8 pm
at El Cid
"Unplug yourself from the web and watch some great web series with friends, followers and fans!"
If you are in the Los Angeles Area,
we look forward to seeing you...
El Cid (Silverlake)
4212 W. Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles 90029
Admission is an $8 cover – 21+
8pm Show
Web Series Unplugged - Facebook Page -
at Web Series Unplugged
Fumbling Thru The Pieces
Wednesday May 18th @ 8 pm
at El Cid
"Unplug yourself from the web and watch some great web series with friends, followers and fans!"
If you are in the Los Angeles Area,
we look forward to seeing you...
El Cid (Silverlake)
4212 W. Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles 90029
Admission is an $8 cover – 21+
8pm Show
Web Series Unplugged - Facebook Page -
Fumbling Thru The Pieces
- Behind The Scenes!
An assorted collection of Picture, from the shooting of Fumbling Thru The Pieces
I don't know any of these people from the Back! - but clearly this is Make-up...
Ava: Fumbling Thru The Pieces of -
Wife Mode
Hi!!!! (smile)
Well, I am Happy! - at least right now - but we will see!
I was out "Paper Product+ Shopping", and wandering Target in a great bliss! The kinda bliss that only Target brings... and I realized that I was totally - and without a doubt - dammed and re-dammed into "WIFE Mode"
I bought enough paper products for the rest of the war! or the duration of any natural disaster - or for 4 people. I rationalized this with the confidence that I will not have to do this again for Months...
The true purpose of the mission - was something to inject the fluid past the carpet, in to the carpet pad, this thing could not be found at Target... All of this is because my house still smells like "Cat Arse!"... Grrrr! I did find something (the following) after 4 different stores...
'Dumb Cat' (the product) is really good! it takes out the SMELLs really good... So we will see how this project works... (smile) [- will keep you posted...]
Anyway - wandering Target... I started calling people and asking them, if they needed things from Target... - and truly some were very surprised... I had just come from a great lunch - with a friend - and Yes!, I kinda miss taking care of the cat (not that one!) but taking care of something... I was looking at the videos, and wondering who would like to watch what, and what was for dinner, and what WE would be doing for the rest of the weekend... and... ... ...
"Hey! AVA! - this fantasy is going way to deep!"
I was out "Paper Product+ Shopping", and wandering Target in a great bliss! The kinda bliss that only Target brings... and I realized that I was totally - and without a doubt - dammed and re-dammed into "WIFE Mode"
I bought enough paper products for the rest of the war! or the duration of any natural disaster - or for 4 people. I rationalized this with the confidence that I will not have to do this again for Months...
The true purpose of the mission - was something to inject the fluid past the carpet, in to the carpet pad, this thing could not be found at Target... All of this is because my house still smells like "Cat Arse!"... Grrrr! I did find something (the following) after 4 different stores...
'Dumb Cat' (the product) is really good! it takes out the SMELLs really good... So we will see how this project works... (smile) [- will keep you posted...]
Anyway - wandering Target... I started calling people and asking them, if they needed things from Target... - and truly some were very surprised... I had just come from a great lunch - with a friend - and Yes!, I kinda miss taking care of the cat (not that one!) but taking care of something... I was looking at the videos, and wondering who would like to watch what, and what was for dinner, and what WE would be doing for the rest of the weekend... and... ... ...
"Hey! AVA! - this fantasy is going way to deep!"
Y.e.p!, Y.e.p! - Y.e.p!!!
- I complain about me doing Wife-ly, things! and [well, there went that happy mood (JK)] I want to do them... at least right now!
-*- I was sitting home last night - A Saturday, I know! - and was wondering if all of the tweets and likes on FB, that I sent out last night - would mean to anybody that I was home. It REALLY happens, that I can really stay at home... I am sure most Folks, thought it was a BOT, that I programmed to send out blurbs - at random time.
So, I figuring that - I am "Wife-ly-Ineligible" - the perception (I hear) is that "she is just Feral - been out in the wild, on her own - way to long!... "
- I complain about me doing Wife-ly, things! and [well, there went that happy mood (JK)] I want to do them... at least right now!
-*- I was sitting home last night - A Saturday, I know! - and was wondering if all of the tweets and likes on FB, that I sent out last night - would mean to anybody that I was home. It REALLY happens, that I can really stay at home... I am sure most Folks, thought it was a BOT, that I programmed to send out blurbs - at random time.
So, I figuring that - I am "Wife-ly-Ineligible" - the perception (I hear) is that "she is just Feral - been out in the wild, on her own - way to long!... "
Oh Well! This is not one of those Fumbling Thru The Pieces moments for me - not, to much... (smile)
See ya tomorrow...
~~} Fumbling Thru The Pieces - Web Site -- The Promo {~~
--- Channel (Our YouTube CHANNEL) ---
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Saturday * Extra * Edition * - WEB SERIES UNPLUGGED - 14May2011
Los Angeles Screening
at Web Series Unplugged
Fumbling Thru The Pieces
May 18th @ 8 pm
at El Cid
"Unplug yourself from the web and watch some great web series with friends, followers and fans!"
El Cid (Silverlake)
4212 W. Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles 90029
Admission is an $8 cover – 21+
8pm Show
Web Series Unplugged - Facebook Page -
at Web Series Unplugged
Fumbling Thru The Pieces
May 18th @ 8 pm
at El Cid
"Unplug yourself from the web and watch some great web series with friends, followers and fans!"
El Cid (Silverlake)
4212 W. Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles 90029
Admission is an $8 cover – 21+
8pm Show
Web Series Unplugged - Facebook Page -
All of the great Episodes of Fumbling Thru The Pieces are available for you on our YouTube Channel....
All of the great Episodes of Fumbling Thru The Pieces are available for you on our YouTube Channel....
~~} Fumbling Thru The Pieces - Web Site -- The Promo {~~
--- Channel (Our YouTube CHANNEL) ---
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