Every day we fumble through our experiences growing from our successes and failures. That's what "Fumbling thru the Pieces" is all about. The characters in "Fumbling" are reflections of us in our own reality.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Fumbling thru the Pieces - Episode 10 - It's all in a day! - Season 1
Come get your Fumbling on today New Episode 11 "It's all in the card" today at 4pm PST on youtube
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Blog: Web Series Unplugged - 19 Jun 2011
Season 1 of Fumbling Thru The Pieces
*** NEW ***
Episode 11
this Thursday
June 23, 2011 at 4pm PST
The Season Finale
- Episode 12
is coming....
it is hard to believe -
that we have come this far...
!!! be current on all of your Episodes... !!!
I know you know about Good Microbrew & Grill - we stopped there on our way to Web Series Unplugged. Great food, beer (they were out of the one I liked... but still!) and I brought my fantastic friends with me... (smile) If you are Los Angeles way go there! 3725 Sunset Bl, 9006 - Peaches the manager is amazing....
Let's start with Michael McCarthy Presents Web Series Unplugged:
We were represented by about "15 peeps" - which made it all the more fun... and we want to go back again next month... I will let you know when this is all happening...
This Month we saw the following Web Series....
5second films -
These folks are wonderful - The do a 'New" film every day - funny, irreverent and check-out-able... http://5secondfilms.com/
Trading on 15 - http://www.tradingon15.com/index.html
Facebook Was Taken - (MWF) - http://www.facebookwastaken.com/
The Power Object - '3 friends, 3 broken dreams & 1 magic vibrator–NOW PLAYING' - I REALLY liked this... (smile) - http://thepowerobject.com/
Keeping Up With The Karthrashians - http://kartrashians.tv/Kartrashians.html - and we got to see a new music video...
Fumbling Thru The Pieces - "OMGOSH, you will hear about them all day!!!" - http://youtube.com/user/fumblingthru
Yours Truly Sam Elliot - I can't find a link for this one when I get it - I will pass it on... (smile)
Downsized - now there seems to be two "Downsized" out there - or - It was a really bad, saturday night...!!! I am working on this - and will pass it on when I have the info...
Lila, Long Distance - Really, liked this one, and the ladies that are working it - are amazing! - http://www.lilalongdistanceseries.com/ - you must see!!!!
There was a Representative from Stay Tuned TV.net /ITVfest... Frank is great....
Web Series Unplugged is too much fun - Some great people, and one more when you attend... (smile) - Okay, where is the link for them? http://www.facebook.com/webseriesunplugged
Okay, that is it for the time...
Back again soon...
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Episode 10 - the Newest of the NEW - & - Joshua Tree PRIDE - 12Jun2011
Okay business first:
I went out to Joshua Tree PRIDE yesterday
- Simply - It was amazing....
Thousands of people, Nope! not so much! -
Expensive and elaborate events, Nope not so much!
A community that is in the 3rd year of coming togehter - Amazing... (smile)
Okay: so I am meeting friends and some family at the "Joshua Tree Saloon" - now I am a "CityGirl", So, I have never been in a bar that had "cage wire" in the windows - Wow! - great establishment...- No! really - it is very nice and friendly bar/restaurant...

I have been to Pride Celebrations before - okay one or two! Okay! One! - The establishment is the "Art Queen" - The Event was staged on their property:
Okay! this is the beginning crowd when I got there!
Now, I found this "thing" out in the back - near the Crochet Museum (Yep!) - it looks interesting... (smile)
As usual, the talking part at the beginning of every Event - "blah, blah!, blah!! - and thank you all for coming out and supporting our community, and who are are!"

Season 1 - Episode 10
** New ** - Episode 10
" Jesse has a day that she'd like to forget and Shara lends a hand on her first day at work. Some days, you wish you could just pull the covers over your head and stay in bed. "~~~~~ *** ~~~~
Okay!I went out to Joshua Tree PRIDE yesterday
- Simply - It was amazing....
Thousands of people, Nope! not so much! -
Expensive and elaborate events, Nope not so much!
A community that is in the 3rd year of coming togehter - Amazing... (smile)
Okay: so I am meeting friends and some family at the "Joshua Tree Saloon" - now I am a "CityGirl", So, I have never been in a bar that had "cage wire" in the windows - Wow! - great establishment...- No! really - it is very nice and friendly bar/restaurant...

I have been to Pride Celebrations before - okay one or two! Okay! One! - The establishment is the "Art Queen" - The Event was staged on their property:
Okay! this is the beginning crowd when I got there!
Now, I found this "thing" out in the back - near the Crochet Museum (Yep!) - it looks interesting... (smile)
As usual, the talking part at the beginning of every Event - "blah, blah!, blah!! - and thank you all for coming out and supporting our community, and who are are!"

and another crowd shot as the live music started....
So, there were Booths - and things for sale - political thing, condoms, awareness information and just a bunch of very friendly - really nice people... (smile)
Some shots as the evening went on!!!! (smile)
Sorry about this one - I was just sitting there - feeling that which is beauty-filled...
Okay, Back soon!!!
I hope - Let's see what TheBoss has for me next!!!
Friday, June 10, 2011
Fumbling thru the Pieces - Episode 10 - It's all in a day! - Season 1
New Episode 10 of Fumbling thru the Pieces - Season 1 - www.youtube.com
New Episode 10 of Fumbling thru the Pieces - Season 1 - www.youtube.com
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Season 1 - Episode 3 - Fumbling Thru The Pieces - 08Jun2011
Season 1 - Episode 3
** New **
Episode 10
June 09, 2011
Season 1 - Episode 4 - Fumbling Thru The Pieces - 08Jun2011
Season 1 - Episode 4
** New **
Episode 10
June 09, 2011
Season 1 - Episode 5 - Fumbling Thru The Pieces - 08Jun2011
Season 1 - Episode 5
** New **
Episode 10
June 09, 2011
at 4pm PST
Pancake Ball Sunday - 08Jun2011
Season 1 - Episode10
*** New ***
Thursday, 09 June 2011
@ 4pm PST
*** New ***
Thursday, 09 June 2011
@ 4pm PST
And then you have "Ava! what the heck have you been doing?"
Wow! That is a big question... IDK!
I had to resort to my new to me Ancient iDevice photo album:
So, there was Monday: me at Denny's - Waiting!!!
And me, at Denny's with the "Pancake Ball Sunday"
Now I was at a Party a couple of weeks ago, and discovered that this dish is ODD! - and that is not taking into account the company that I keep! - but, after the shock of "Balled Pancakes", and the technical discussion of how would one actually fry a pancake into a ball - it turned out that this is some dish called "able-noodle" or something like that (Smile, My Friend knew that!) - anyway, the "able-nog-en", is a larger version of this - This; My Current Favorite Treat... and, and it's only $2.00 usd - and a bargain too...
Talk with you soon!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Episode 6 - "Reading Between The Lines"
Season 1 - Episode 6
** New **
Episode 10
June 09, 2011
at 4pm PST
Episode 7 - "What's for Dinner"
Season 1 - Episode 7
** New **
Episode 10
June 09, 2011
at 4pm PST
Episode 8 - "House Guest"
Season 1 - Episode 8
** New **
Episode 10
June 09, 2011
at 4pm PST
Episode 9 - "it's 5 o'clock somewhere"
Season 1 - Episode 9
** New **
Episode 10
June 09, 2011
at 4pm PST
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Blog - "The Marvelous Wonderettes" then "Juno and the Paycock" - June 04, 2011
This weekend is the opening ( June 3 thru June 19 ) of Lowe Taylor in
- the show described on Broadwayworld.com as "A cotton-candy colored, nonstop pop musical blast from the past! Featuring your favorite songs from the ‘50s and ‘60s, The Marvelous Wonderettes takes you to the 1958 Springfield High School prom where we meet the Wonderettes - Betty Jean, Cindy Lou, Missy and Suzy, four girls with hopes and dreams as big as their crinoline skirts and voices to match! As we learn about their lives and loves, we are treated to the girls performing such classic ‘50s and ‘60s songs as "Lollipop," "Dream Lover," "Stupid Cupid," "Lipstick on Your Collar," "Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me," "It's My Party," "It's In His Kiss (The Shoop Shoop Song)" and so many more! You've never had this much fun at a prom and you will never forget The Marvelous Wonderettes - a must-take musical trip down memory lane! "
This sound like a lot of fun... If you can - Attend! (smile)
We have Kitty Swink
( Stella - Fumbling Thur The Pieces )
is in A Production of "Juno and the Paycock" at Odyssey Theater II - Run: APRIL 16 – June 5, 2011
You can still catch this great performance, great story, and just a great show!!!!...(smile) it completes it's run on Sunday June 5th...
Okay! that is the short of it! for now!!!!
Back in a bit!!!
Ava (smile)
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Thursday - Catch-Up - 02Jun2011
Okay we have some things to get caught-up on - Let's see:
- Season 1 - with 3 Episodes remaining - I (for one) am having some feeling about that! - but let's deal with that on the day and weeks after the Finale (Episode 12) - July 2011
- The COMEDY OF THE WEEK by @Indie_Intertube ( http://www.blogtalkradio.com/indie_intertube/2011/06/01/indie-intertube )- This is Great!!! (smile) - and a really good show...
- The @WeLoveSoapTV ( http://www.welovesoaps.net/2011/05/isotwmay28.html )- RESULTS:Indie Soap of the Week Poll (May 22-28, 2011) - we had our fourth week in the Top Three - again this is GREAT!
- Event Planning - I know nothing about - so with that I get to make all kinds of mistakes, because I don't know any better... (smile) - I would like an Event where we can show Episode 12 - The Finale, hang-out with friends and fans... - - - Is anybody else interested?
- We have been working on hats and t-shirts to retail on our web site... I don't have an exact date yet, but this will be soon...
- Over our hiatus - Yes! Current plans are for a SEASON 2 - during that time we will have Out-Takes and Bloopers, to upload...
- The Hursts Now on reverbnation and itunes! - Donna & Eric have been playing music and writing music for years. Last year The Hursts teamed up to write and record original music for the Indy TV show "Fumbling Thru the Pieces". You have been watching the series and hearing parts of some of the songs from the show which features the theme song "Fumbling Thru the Pieces" by The Hursts.
The Hursts will be releasing a new CD soon!
We need your support now more than ever. - The Hursts are entering an international songwriting competition July 1st. We need to show a strong presence from as many states as we can.
It is simple to do:
Go to www.reverbnation.com/thehursts - and Click on BECOME A FAN!
If one person from a state clicks on BECOME A FAN the state on our map turns light green. If five or more people from a state click on BECOME A FAN then the state turns dark green.
We appreciate your support! Please pass this message on to your friends and family members who live in other states.
See ya tomorrow...
~~} Fumbling Thru The Pieces - Web Site -- The Promo {~~
--- Channel (Our YouTube CHANNEL) ---
Fumbling thru the Pieces - Episode 9 - Season 1 - "It's five o'clock som...
Check New Episode 9 of Fumbling thru the Pieces " It's five o'clock somewhere". Fumbling thru the Pieces - Episode 9 - Season 1 - "It's five o'clock somewhere" www.youtube.com
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