Every day we fumble through our experiences growing from our successes and failures. That's what "Fumbling thru the Pieces" is all about. The characters in "Fumbling" are reflections of us in our own reality.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Thursday, April 12, 2012
84 Backers - A Kickstarter Tale (Part 3)
84 Backers - A Kickstarter Tale (Part 3)
- The Referendum Movement! –
1 dollar, 1 vote!
Hi! @AvaAssistant here...
I am almost DONE!
The Referendum Movement!
1 dollar (US) - 1 Vote - 1 Fan at a time!
These "Pledge Drives" are probably the most under rated of all of the activities that we do! - And that is because we use them as intended.
They are intended to rise funding in a short period of time to accomplish the project. The 84 backers of our "Pledge Drive”
- have no idea
how appreciated and respected
they are to us -
they get the vision that we have!
And not only got the Vision,
they are willing to help
- Truly amazing people!!!
(Donna Hurst and The Hurst
- LA Web Fest 2012,
But imagine a time
when the Goal is $X0,000 dollars,
and that project reaches
that goal with X0,000 pledges.
-*- That project is talking to people! -*-
-*-That project is a project of the people!-*-
-*- That project is liked and respected,
in the project community! -*-
- You would not be paying
to Vote your acceptance
or like-ship of a project,
you could and would help a lot of projects.
In the WebSeries Community
- your $1 dollar (US),
which is part of X0,000 other $1 dollars (US)
give us the funding that we need
and the encouragement to continue.
- LA Web Fest 2012,
Okay, not every project that asks for funding,
you are going to want to fund.
And for sure,
you have not seen every project
that asks to be funded.
And you may not
even be interested in a project
presented to you,
But the ones that you are connected to,
need you!
Need you all!
<<<<<***** >>>>>
This idea that
are need to fund a project,
is insane!
@AvaAssistant being of Sound Mind
(Rihanna S&M, is playing right now),
most of the time...
can say,
that X0,000 votes
(whatever the Goal amount is)
for our project is,
would be,
could not get any better
(after the funding goal)
- then AWESOME!..
(Hillary B. Smith
- HollyWeb 2012,
BEST Actress)
It’s the chocolate, whip cream, cherry and nuts
- on any pledge drive...”
I'm just saying!!!!...
So, please consider!
The next time you see a pledge request,
and it’s a project you have watched,
a project you like,
"Take a Stand;
and give that 1 dollar (US),
give that 1 vote
- be THE REFERENDUM!!! - “
~~ * ~~
Okay! I am done!
Can someone please move
this "soap box"
- okay, I might be standing on the couch...
So, we are good! (smile)
You know! (big smile)
@AvaAssitant – “It’s the way of the world!”
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
84 Backers - A Kickstarter Tale (Part 2)
84 Backers - A Kickstarter Tale
Hi! @AvaAssistant here...
Why does NPR (National Public Radio) offer Premiums?
Because it works!
- I am an NPR Addict... so, I know their "Pledge Drives"...
During our (Fumbling Thru The Pieces) "Pledge Drives",
I would think to myself,
Would NPR do this?
Would NPR Say that?
- would NPR take off for a weekend to go to Palm Spring?
(and to that one, the answer is yes! (Smile))
- in an NPR "Pledge Break", that last about 5 Minutes,
there are a lot of words,
perfect for all of the content you will need in the “Twitter-verse”.
They stress the brand (NPR),
the content (why you come to NPR),
they tell you the difference between them
and anything else,
they "ask for your help",
and they tell you the Benefit to you...
and they offer you a premium, something unique-ly there’s...
We have autographed pictures, and DVDs,
opportunities to be on set,
phone call from our cast.
This is what we have that might be of value;
to someone that is a fan.
It shows that your pledge, has value, to us, and in return we have something of value to exchange...
Okay, okay!
~~ * ~~
The one thing I wrestled with
was statements like
"Well, if I can't get a dollar from you,
I don't know about Season 2!" -
Just bad!
Just not true!
Statements like this are just a reason to not trust in your commitment to the project!
- Our project was up on Kickstarter with "the full faith and confidence" that we would be funded (the end, period!!!).
And that does not include
"my new bald spot from pulling your hair out",
but we knew that if we worked on this (fundraising)
as hard as we worked on our project,
it would happen
- there is no chance that Season 2
would not be made
- and our 84 backers,
"You are right!, let's get this thing, done!"
~~ * ~~
And The Twitter-verse...
(not at the exclusion of any other Social Media sites...(smile)) –
The valuable thing you have
when it comes to the “Verse”
is the assistance that your team provides!
The people who will Re-tweet you,
who will say to their Following/Follower
- "Hey, here is something you should help with!”
These Fans and Friends will step up and help,
because they believe in what you’re doing!
The message you convey should start with the
"About This Project" section
of your Kickstarter -
build awareness of your efforts, goals,
the vision of what and where you are going.
“Take your message to all of the corners of the earth"
with the “Hash tag Searches” ( # ).
- Now, the danger here is in too much.
The phrase
has a lot more letters than
(yep! a lot more letters... (smile)) –
There are those 'Thursdays'
when you cannot think of another way to describe the premiums that you have available.
That works!
Put what you have back out there.
But to put
"Donate XXXXxx YYYYyyy zzzZZZ"
every 5 minutes, all day for 21 days
- will alienate people...
Anyone in the 'Verse' for a very short period of time
knows that it can be tough to "invent" new thing,
all the time...
So, work with what you have.
Talks to your friends,
Listen to what other people are saying about your project,
go back to the Facts of your project,
and it will be fine!
Fumbling Thru The Pieces!!!! )
Lastly on this subject
- If you are not asking, what are you doing here? -
Okay, so you
- Tweet (140 Chars),
next Tweet (140 Chars),
Next-er Tweet (140 Chars),
and on and on
- but why are you telling me all of this? -
Heaven help me!
– “what do you want me to do?” –
be subtle, be blatant (without a threat or doubt),
but you must ask...
Oh! I was wrong! That was not the last thing...
We talked about the site you are operating from, right - always, but always, but always mention the site...
So, you say " Fundraiser - for my project, please help!”
– Really! --
" Fundraiser - for my project, please help! #Kickstarter ”
at least I know you are,
I am hoping you are running something legit!
- Always, always mention,
okay always, always, always mention
your Kickstarter or Indie-go-go site
- and the link.
~~ * ~~
The "Link"! –
is the start of every message you send out...
("I know! and the link is at the end, of the message!
Who knew!")
- Simply, I am asking you to do something,
and not giving you the tools to do it with,
if I leave out the link!
- Sometimes I will see something interesting,
and there is on link,
I move on!
(sorry, but true!)
- Sometimes I will see something interesting,
But If I have to go,
to 4 other links to find what you are talking about,
I am done...
(even if I find it…)
~~ * ~~
The link to the 'Action' you would like me to commit,
is need!
Since all links these day are “shrunk”,
telling me where I am going, gives me confidence that you are being honest with me…
and asking me to help,
it gets me to thinking that
I can help and be a part…
and mix it up a bit...
Use Different Themes, tones, in you message.
~~ * ~~
WOW! a lot to say about this... (smile)
Sorry, but I wish I could have found this when we got started...
(it' just the way of the world!)
Part 3 - The Referendum Movement! – 1 dollar, 1 vote!
Monday, April 9, 2012
Sunday, April 8, 2012
84 Backers - A Kickstarter Tale (Part 1)
84 Backers - A Kickstarter Tale
Hi! @AvaAssistant here...
We got our project funded!
Thanks, love, peace, respect, adoration, and appreciation
for the 84 BACKERS that stepped up and helped...
Dang! (smile - humbled!)...
~~ * ~~
So (again!), back to Kickstarter Fundraising…
How do you get to an online fundraiser?
What does it take?
Is there anything I should know about the process?
and does "Rogaine for Women,
really Grow back the patch of hair,
you have been pulling out since the campaign started?"
~~ * ~~
Let me add this, I have no expertise in Fundraising, or online campaigns like this - this is my first (smile), online fundraiser, and what I have learned and believe, I am sharing...
Cool, let's go! (smile)
Okay, okay, okay -
one more thing…
the little blog that I started out with,
got really large! –
So, I am breaking it up into 3 parts…
Part 1 – The Decision to do a Fundraiser,
and then The Story about your Project
Part 2 – Premiums, and then the Twitter-Verse
Part 3 - The Referendum Movement! – 1 dollar, 1 vote!
~~ * ~~
First, The decision to do a fundraiser!
How do you pick which site to go with?
You know we picked Kickstarter,
with the risk that
"if our project was not 100% funded, by the end,
all of the pledges would be returned"
There are other sites out there,
like, Indie-go-go...
similar to Kickstarter,
with the exception that what you raise in pledges,
is what you receive,
at the end of the campaign
- regardless of your goal...
- Less RISK!
There are other sites that also will aid in the fundraising process; Kickstarter and Indie-go-go are the best known to me,
So that gives me some
"internet security"
That I can click the link,
That I can enter my card information,
And can still sleep at night! –
If the fundraiser site is
"Ava Fund Raises for Friends"
- you really don't have much hope
that I will go to a site that I don't know.
Or visit a site that has a "scam-y"
sounds name like the example above.
I would never transact money
from my account with a site, I did not know.
I need to trust the site I am dealing with...
Just me! - But I am sure I am not alone!
~~ * ~~
- When it comes to fundraising there are only two real RISK!,
1) Not getting the funding you need to get your project going
2) And YOU! Not being the first backer of your project!
Number 1 is easy, we all understand that one.
But, If you don't back you own project, why should anyone else. This is not in the sense of pledges, it’s in the commitment to the fundraising project and the efforts you expend in getting your project funded. I mean, if you are not going to go all out, all of the way - outside of what it is that you are comfortable and familiar with...
~~ * ~~
The Story about Your Project:
Okay, you have the story of your project...
It was started in a Garage,
First filmed on a Kodak Super 8,
You have an amazing, compelling story...
GREAT! (smile)
For us, “Fumbling Thru The Pieces”,
We were seeking funding for our Season 2... We are known a bit in the Twitter-Verse, for our Season 1, which has been out for a year or so... We don't have to explain why we are doing this or how we are going to be able to get this done. We have done it before and it is reasonable to think we could and will do it again. - But WE DID!… We went through our story synopsis, and put up our Promo Video, as our credentials…
It just helps!...
I am not saying put up your resume,
but who is doing this project?
If it’s important, why can I depend on you to get this done?
and what skills are you bringing with you?...
Almost all of the campaigns I have looked at have a Teaser or Promo clip - that illustrates what concepts or abilities are present... and that works, but a little about yourself would work also...
In your “ABOUT YOUR PROJECT:”, move me to Donate to your project, give me confidence that your project will be realized, and tell me when I can expect it!
~~ * ~~
Good, good, good!
Part 2 – Premiums, and then the Twitter-Verse
Will be up soon!!!! (smile)
@AvaAssistant (it’s the way of the world!, babe!)
Friday, April 6, 2012
Our KICKSTARTER - almost the final UPDATE!!! (smile)
@AvaAssistant Here!!!
and I am going to be like this for days...
and it's okay!!! (smile)
"World Full of THANKS"
to everyone who Contributed/Pledged...
You, yes you! are amazing...
"World Full of THANKS",
to our Twitter/FaceBook/Friends
and everyone else
we hounded to get this funded...
"It's what we had to do for the result
- Season 2"
Much love for your patience!!!
I could go on for hours!!!
but I won't,
I am Working on a blog,
about this - Kickstarter Process...
HEY! Wait -
and Thanks to Kickstarter.com !!!
"you Folks, facilitated all of this!!!"
See you later this WEEKEND!!!!
It's the way of the world!
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