Saturday, March 5, 2011

Ava's: First-ly:Middle-ly:Last-ly - Fumbling Thru The Pieces --- Blog:05 Mar 2011


First-ly ------>
So, Episode 3, - would you believe, was filmed on one of worst weather days we had! It starter good - "the coffee girl" (me) was on time - and it looked as if it would be a beautiful day, yet the forecast was for rain... And it did! One of those rouge rain cloud things... It would sneak in pour, then sneak away... At one point it rained, so much, we were on hold for awhile, and that caused some anxiety... We had a tight schedule, "do over-time was not in the plan" - Ava inside-voice [ I hope the donuts don't get wet! ] (smile)

Middle-ly ------> I got nothing!

Last-ly ------> I have been running like a "mad woman", lately... This event, this obligation, that award ceremony, care-taking, "Mr Cat"... and of course "The Goose" is complaining... - I need to get moving or I will be later-er! Back soon! - Fumbling thru the Pieces -(


1 comment:

  1. I love to read your makes me laugh! lol
