Episode 4, Season 1 - of - Fumbling Thru The Pieces
Fumbling Thru The Pieces
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
(New) Episode 4
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The Hurst:
Fumbling Thru The Pieces
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
(New) Episode 4
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Theme from
'Fumbling Thru The Pieces'
and Ring Tone
Available on iTunes
and Ring Tone
Available on iTunes
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Kelsey Robinson (Jesse Shaw, on Fumbling Thru The Pieces)
- Current Project is ' Girl Parts ' :
Girl Parts on Facebook,
Girl Parts on Youtube
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A call for assistance - if you can....
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This is the former Chocolatito, now Scooter. He was found by the side of the road in Mexico earlier this year. He'd been hit by a car and, it was later discovered, shot. Thanks to the kindness of strangers and some generous donations, he was transported from Mexico to the waiting arms of Leslie McMahon at "Two Hands, Four Paws" here in Los Angeles. She's making great progress with his rehabilitation, and in the meantime, he LOVES his cart. He's in search of a permanent, loving home. For questions, introductions, etc., please call Leslie/Two Hands, Four Paws at (310) 475-8555.

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And Me!
I need a new home for the Cat, taking up residence at my house...
His is a good cat, in a much better environment than I can provide,
and if you can luv, him up - he would be very appreciative!!!

~~~ * ~~~
A quick Ava-isim!
So,...... (smile)
10 Mins on Blogging (Like I have any expertise.... (smile))
It happened one Moving Day - as I was lugging a box of Journals - that I have acquired since time began. I have maintained a journal of one sort or another for most of my life. The childhood, ones, gone! - read by unscrupulous forces - parents, aunts & uncles (and I am not sure they could read to well), guardians, roommates, and the such
- but none the less gone...
Since my adult-hood (is that a ghetto?), I have had been in complete control of my writings and have managed to keep most. The exception is the "94" Northridge Earthquake. My journals were boxed safe, in the basement of this townhome, I lived in, when the earthquake shook, dislodging the water heater and resulting in a flood.
That was a very substantial bottom row of boxes - lost.
These early efforts were shall we say - cryptic. A woman has to have secrets! (just a fact) and a woman has to have an expression for these secrets, and writing is mine. I look at some of these things and wonder "What the heck am I talking about?" - love lost, love misused, love mis-understood - and clear and plain stupidity - are all recorded...
and in a lot of cases I have no Idea who its about...
Technology brought the BLOG! and with its arrival, I was substantially older - and realized - I don't care who reads this musings... (smile) I am being honest with myself - in these writings, for the sole purpose of my health and strength - and to relieve the pains in my heart... -- read it if you will! -- One time I had a Gentlemen Friend. He read a hundred or so of my Blogs. We would be talking - and it was, as if he knew me - the things he would say, and topics he would choose were uncanny. I asked one day "how do you know so much about me?" - He replied "Your blogs!, you put those out there, for no one to read?" - Well, it was that attitude that made his visit a short one,
who is he talking to me like that.... (smile)
Now, I do attempt to use the "Queens' English" - it's a half hearted attempt, maybe even a quarter-hearted attempt... English is fun, and can be attractive-ly interesting, when used outside the rules that govern writing... And I do, stray from the rules... (smile) but as long as you can get your point across – your fine…
In my case
– you just have to wonder if there was ever really, a point…
(smile – big and cheesy)
So, my 10 Min's on Blogging - heck just do it!!!! (smile)
See ya tomorrow...
~~~~~~~~~~} FTTP {~~~~~~~~~~
Kelsey Robinson (Jesse Shaw, on Fumbling Thru The Pieces)
- Current Project is ' Girl Parts ' :
Girl Parts on Facebook,
Girl Parts on Youtube
~~~ * ~~~
A call for assistance - if you can....
I meet this fantastic woman Lee Brandon --
and she has this amazing story about a Dog she is rescuing
"Scoobie's Diary"
has the whole story, and any assistance - would be appreciated... (smile)~~~ * ~~~

This is the former Chocolatito, now Scooter. He was found by the side of the road in Mexico earlier this year. He'd been hit by a car and, it was later discovered, shot. Thanks to the kindness of strangers and some generous donations, he was transported from Mexico to the waiting arms of Leslie McMahon at "Two Hands, Four Paws" here in Los Angeles. She's making great progress with his rehabilitation, and in the meantime, he LOVES his cart. He's in search of a permanent, loving home. For questions, introductions, etc., please call Leslie/Two Hands, Four Paws at (310) 475-8555.

~~~ * ~~~
And Me!
I need a new home for the Cat, taking up residence at my house...
His is a good cat, in a much better environment than I can provide,
and if you can luv, him up - he would be very appreciative!!!

~~~ * ~~~
A quick Ava-isim!
So,...... (smile)
10 Mins on Blogging (Like I have any expertise.... (smile))
It happened one Moving Day - as I was lugging a box of Journals - that I have acquired since time began. I have maintained a journal of one sort or another for most of my life. The childhood, ones, gone! - read by unscrupulous forces - parents, aunts & uncles (and I am not sure they could read to well), guardians, roommates, and the such
- but none the less gone...
Since my adult-hood (is that a ghetto?), I have had been in complete control of my writings and have managed to keep most. The exception is the "94" Northridge Earthquake. My journals were boxed safe, in the basement of this townhome, I lived in, when the earthquake shook, dislodging the water heater and resulting in a flood.
That was a very substantial bottom row of boxes - lost.
These early efforts were shall we say - cryptic. A woman has to have secrets! (just a fact) and a woman has to have an expression for these secrets, and writing is mine. I look at some of these things and wonder "What the heck am I talking about?" - love lost, love misused, love mis-understood - and clear and plain stupidity - are all recorded...
and in a lot of cases I have no Idea who its about...
Technology brought the BLOG! and with its arrival, I was substantially older - and realized - I don't care who reads this musings... (smile) I am being honest with myself - in these writings, for the sole purpose of my health and strength - and to relieve the pains in my heart... -- read it if you will! -- One time I had a Gentlemen Friend. He read a hundred or so of my Blogs. We would be talking - and it was, as if he knew me - the things he would say, and topics he would choose were uncanny. I asked one day "how do you know so much about me?" - He replied "Your blogs!, you put those out there, for no one to read?" - Well, it was that attitude that made his visit a short one,
who is he talking to me like that.... (smile)
Now, I do attempt to use the "Queens' English" - it's a half hearted attempt, maybe even a quarter-hearted attempt... English is fun, and can be attractive-ly interesting, when used outside the rules that govern writing... And I do, stray from the rules... (smile) but as long as you can get your point across – your fine…
In my case
– you just have to wonder if there was ever really, a point…
(smile – big and cheesy)
So, my 10 Min's on Blogging - heck just do it!!!! (smile)
See ya tomorrow...
~~~~~~~~~~} FTTP {~~~~~~~~~~
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