Episode 4, Season 1 - of - Fumbling Thru The Pieces

Fumbling Thru The Pieces
----- Channel ----- Promo ----- Episode 1-----
----- Episode 2 ----- Episode 3 ----- (New) Episode 4
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The Hurst:
Fumbling Thru The Pieces
----- Channel ----- Promo ----- Episode 1-----
----- Episode 2 ----- Episode 3 ----- (New) Episode 4
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Theme from
'Fumbling Thru The Pieces'
and Ring Tone
Available on iTunes
and Ring Tone
Available on iTunes
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Kelsey Robinson (Jesse Shaw, on Fumbling Thru The Pieces)
- Current Project is ' Girl Parts ' :
Girl Parts on Facebook,
Girl Parts on Youtube
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A call for assistance - if you can....
I meet this fantastic woman Lee Brandon --
and she has this amazing story about a Dog she is rescuing
"Scoobie's Diary"
has the whole story,and any assistance - would be appreciated... (smile)
From Twitter:
Thanks to all of your generosity
we have raised over $3500 for Scooby's foot surgery
and immediate after care. http://fb.me/vOhM3hKL

This is the former Chocolatito, now Scooter. He was found by the side of the road in Mexico earlier this year. He'd been hit by a car and, it was later discovered, shot. Thanks to the kindness of strangers and some generous donations, he was transported from Mexico to the waiting arms of Leslie McMahon at "Two Hands, Four Paws" here in Los Angeles. She's making great progress with his rehabilitation, and in the meantime, he LOVES his cart. He's in search of a permanent, loving home. For questions, introductions, etc., please call Leslie/Two Hands, Four Paws at (310) 475-8555.

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And Me!
I need a new home for the Cat, taking up residence at my house...
His is a good cat, in a much better environment than I can provide,
and if you can luv, him up - he would be very appreciative!!!

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A quick Ava-isim!
how M.I.A. can you go?
well, you may have or may have not noticed that there has not been any blogs for a day or two... if i explained, which i despise -- explaining my self; i would have to tell the story this way!
see - i have this friend (THEY)- who shows up at times and in places that are appropriate.
i have made many attempts remove this person from my life,
and as i discovered this weekend, with no real success.
they like wise, have removed me, from their life, but less frequent
- maybe because i am always the one running away (their words).
so, thursday, i get a call.
a long story short (from my perspective)...
[thursday] - "no!"
[friday] - "well, okay, just for a little while"(dinner);
"(laughing amused-ed-ly) your kidding, right!".
{these two day, kinda rolled together}
[saturday] "yeah, i have thing to do today... call me later - if you want..."
(always a trouble statement)
(always a trouble statement)
[sunday] - "next month, okay - we will see!"
clearly, i have no control in this situation, if it weren't for my angry side
(oh, they upset me - to a passionate rage),
i fear the situation would be hopeless...
i fear most the karmic effects - of when they show up.
i have been feeling this week
- and by mid-week the lonely-ness, had firmly taken hold!
- i did not want to eat, cause no-body was there,
i did not want to do, anything, cause...
i have always hunted alone (less to sharing),
and usually this is not an affliction of mine
- but combined with other events, well, it's just where i found my self
- and they show up!
they do this often,
and have been doing this for a while, now.
if there is 'trouble a foot'
- i know they are not far behind,
a kind word,
those deep eyes of hope,
some dumb opinion - that proved they were not listening
- some warmth
- and they are there...
I would reconsider this circumstance - but why?
- they don't want anything else, but what they have...
So,...... (smile)
See ya tomorrow...
~~~~~~~~~~} FTTP {~~~~~~~~~~
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