Hillary B. Smith,
Robert Maffia,
Tara Chocol-Joyce,
Kitty Swink,
Diane Delano,
Kelsey Robinson
All New Episode of Fumbling Thru The Pieces - will air
March 31st@4pm PST on YouTube ( Channel )
The lovely HBS Directed this episode.
Hillary B. Smith makes her first appearance on
Soap Central Live
to talk about her new web series,
Fumbling Thru The Pieces.
Airdate: Friday April 1, 2011 Time: 6pm EST
Network: Voice America Call in-#: 866.472.5788

~~~ * ~~~

The Hurst:
Hillary B. Smith makes her first appearance on
Soap Central Live
to talk about her new web series,
Fumbling Thru The Pieces.
Airdate: Friday April 1, 2011 Time: 6pm EST
Network: Voice America Call in-#: 866.472.5788
The Promo is our effort to share this wonderful project with the world, prior to the release of Episode 1 - I still love it!!!! (smile)
Episode 2 Jesse (Kelsey Robinson) arrives at her sister's house Ellie (Hillary B. Smith).
Episode 4 (New) Shara (Diane Delano) and Jesse (Kelsey Robinson) head to Shara's agents office Stella (Kitty Swink). Jesse is exposed to a whole new experience with Shara.
--- Channel (Our YouTube CHANNEL) --- Be sure to Friend, become a Subscriber, or take out a Subscription (IDK!) - and if you like our efforts please give a Thumbs Up!, it is always appreciated...
Fumbling Thru The Pieces - With us....
Fumbling Thru The Pieces - With us....
~~~ * ~~~

The Hurst:
Theme and Ring Tone
'Fumbling Thru The Pieces'
Available on iTunes
Available on iTunes
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Kelsey Robinson
(Jesse Shaw, on Fumbling Thru The Pieces)
- Current Project is ' Girl Parts ' :
Girl Parts on Facebook,
Girl Parts on Youtube
~~~ * ~~~
This homeless angel bur - is living illegally with its Found-er -
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Kelsey Robinson
(Jesse Shaw, on Fumbling Thru The Pieces)
- Current Project is ' Girl Parts ' :
Girl Parts on Facebook,
Girl Parts on Youtube
~~~ * ~~~
This homeless angel bur - is living illegally with its Found-er -
"I'll totally get busted by my landlord if I keep her any longer!"
Do you know any one who can foster her?

Tiffany Shahoumian M.S., CCC-SLP
Tiffany Shahoumian M.S., CCC-SLP
CONTACT tiffany.shahoumian@yahoo.com if you can help
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PETs that are Fumbling Thru The Pieces
The PET - Section of this blog
has been moved
to the following page...
(located at the top
right-hand corner of this page)
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Ava: Fumbling Thru The Pieces of -Dream-Catchers
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PETs that are Fumbling Thru The Pieces

has been moved
to the following page...
(located at the top
right-hand corner of this page)
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Tracking: S&M by Rihanna - Plays: and still going, and going!....
~~~~~~~~~~}{~~~~~~~~~~Ava: Fumbling Thru The Pieces of -Dream-Catchers
Okay - this one is going to be quick!
So, I am walking around the parking lot at work,
doing the ex-smoker thing
- "reliving when I was a smoker" -
(it's not that bad - I just like being outside)
and I notice a Dream Catcher hanging off of the rear-view mirror of someones car...
If you can see where I am going with this
- Please raise your hands!
(Thank you! - smile)
A dream catcher is
"... hung above the bed, is used as a charm to protect sleeping children from nightmares."
- (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dreamcatcher) -
Okay - this one is going to be quick!
So, I am walking around the parking lot at work,
doing the ex-smoker thing
- "reliving when I was a smoker" -
(it's not that bad - I just like being outside)
and I notice a Dream Catcher hanging off of the rear-view mirror of someones car...
If you can see where I am going with this
- Please raise your hands!
(Thank you! - smile)
A dream catcher is
"... hung above the bed, is used as a charm to protect sleeping children from nightmares."
- (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dreamcatcher) -
So, at first I thought, " that is 'cool!' "
- maybe I will get one for my car -
"heck, why not!"
- - -
But as the days have passed
- I started thinking -
"do I really, want someone on the Highways
- who feels the need to have a child's protection for nightmares?"
- Honestly, If you are dosing off so long at the wheel of a car -
that you are experiencing Nightmares
- I'd like to know that, before I get on the road...
And that is Fumbling Thru The Pieces of Dream Catchers
See ya tomorrow...
~~~~~~~~~~} FTTP {~~~~~~~~~~
Hello Ava,
ReplyDeletePlease remove my quote and contact information from your post.
I very much support your blog and everything you do, but for professional reasons I can not have my name and contact information posted with this quote.
Thank you,
Tiffany Shahoumian
p.s. the Dog was adopted! :)