Staring - Hillary B. Smith, Robert Maffia, Kelsey Robinson, Diane Delano,
Tara Chocol-Joyce, Kitty Swink, Diane Delano(Shara), Kelsey Robinson(Jesse)
-- The Promo The Promo, is our effort to share this wonderful project with the world, prior to the release of Episode 1 - I still love it!!!! (smile)
Episode 2 Jesse (Kelsey Robinson) arrives at her sister's house Ellie (Hillary B. Smith).
Episode 4 (New) Shara (Diane Delano) and Jesse (Kelsey Robinson) head to Shara's agents office Stella (Kitty Swink). Jesse is exposed to a whole new experience with Shara.
--- Channel (Our YouTube CHANNEL) --- Be sure to Friend, become a Subscriber, or take out a Subscription (IDK!) - and if you like our efforts please give a Thumbs Up!, it is always appreciated...
Fumbling Thru The Pieces - With us....
Fumbling Thru The Pieces - With us....
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The Hurst:
Theme and Ring Tone
'Fumbling Thru The Pieces'
Available on iTunes
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Kelsey Robinson
(Jesse Shaw, on Fumbling Thru The Pieces)
- Current Project is ' Girl Parts ' :
Girl Parts on Facebook,
Girl Parts on Youtube
~~~ * ~~~

A call for assistance - if you can....
I meet this fantastic woman Lee Brandon --
and she has this amazing story about a Dog she is rescuing
"Scoobie's Diary"
has the whole story,and any assistance - would be appreciated... (smile)
From Twitter: LongDriveChamp LEE BRANDON, CSCS
Thanks to all of your generosity we have raised over $3500 for Scooby's foot surgery and immediate after care. http://fb.me/vOhM3hKL
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This is the former Chocolatito, now Scooter. He was found by the side of the road in Mexico earlier this year. He'd been hit by a car and, it was later discovered, shot. Thanks to the kindness of strangers and some generous donations, he was transported from Mexico to the waiting arms of Leslie McMahon at "Two Hands, Four Paws" here in Los Angeles. She's making great progress with his rehabilitation, and in the meantime, he LOVES his cart. He's in search of a permanent, loving home. For questions, introductions, etc., please call Leslie/Two Hands, Four Paws at (310) 475-8555.

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I need a new home for the Cat,
taking up residence at my house...
His is a good cat,
in a much better environment
than I can provide,
and if you can luv, him up
- he would be very appreciative!!!
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Tracking: S&M by Rihanna - Plays: 145 (dang - I got that Thursday Morning...)
~~~~~~~~~~}{~~~~~~~~~~Ava: Fumbling Thru The Pieces of - Time
"Ava - you are so silly!"
- Well, I am happy to report that I only have two clocks
with in my control that are still on the other time
- huh! - "Fall back - Time"
And I must admit that this is very confusing...!
I wake up - and look over at the alarm clock...
And then advanced math skills are called into play,
heck! I was sleeping - Okay!
So, I add an hour or do I add 60 minutes
to the display time
and Forget-it!
I'm awake now!!!!
The alarm clock is the one that I am most afraid of...
it charges my ipod, tries to wake me, and it is an attractive break-up gift, too...
(another story for another time)
The wall clock in the living-room
well that is just to high!
its one of those situations where a girl has to
"rely on the kindness of a stranger!"
[Side Comment: "Ava? - REALLY!"]
I am not sure if the clock on the opposite side
of the wall from the clock in the living-room counts...
It hasn't worked for years (maybe 2).
I think it needs a battery...
that clock
- was part of a failed expirement - in time travel!
Failed may not be the right word... (smile)
I would walk into the bedroom from the living-room,
and look up at the clock
- let say it was 2pm.
Then the next time I looked at the clock it would be 4pm....
Time had stopped, for me
cause I found myself 2 hours in the future...
(okay, I am not a scientists, but it works)
Well, I thought this was amazing! -
I was a time-travel-in' gal!
I tried to expain this to a friend
- who was visiting (and I am very sure has never visited again) -
and as they were change the clock to one of those
'Forward-Backward times' - they asked
"What are you doing when you go into the room?"
And I answered "Usually, taking a nap!"
- Well clearly, they, are a non-believer!
and just that negativity
interrupted the whole time-space-continuum that I was using.
The fun was gone!
and honestly -maybe - the world is safer -
without me Fumbling Thru The Pieces of Time...
See ya tomorrow...
~~~~~~~~~~} FTTP {~~~~~~~~~~
I tried to expain this to a friend
- who was visiting (and I am very sure has never visited again) -
and as they were change the clock to one of those
'Forward-Backward times' - they asked
"What are you doing when you go into the room?"
And I answered "Usually, taking a nap!"
- Well clearly, they, are a non-believer!
and just that negativity
interrupted the whole time-space-continuum that I was using.
The fun was gone!
and honestly -maybe - the world is safer -
without me Fumbling Thru The Pieces of Time...
See ya tomorrow...
~~~~~~~~~~} FTTP {~~~~~~~~~~
Good times!