Hillary B. Smith,
Robert Maffia,
Tara Chocol-Joyce,
Kitty Swink,
Diane Delano,
Kelsey Robinson
~~~ * ~~~
Simply an AMAZING Episode!
Fumbling Thru The Pices
- Behind The Scenes!
An assorted collection of Picture, from the shooting of Fumbling Thru The Pieces

Hillary B. Smith,
Robert Maffia,
Tara Chocol-Joyce,
Kitty Swink,
Diane Delano,
Kelsey Robinson
~~~ * ~~~
Fumbling Thru The Pieces
Episode 6 - "Reading Between The Lines" -
Released: April 14th 2011 4pm PST on YouTube Channel
In Episode 6 - Barb ( Tara Chocol-Joyce) fills Ellie ( Hillary B. Smith) in on her day
and Jesse ( Kelsey Robinson) meets Barb and what a meeting it is.
Simply an AMAZING Episode!
And do we know Barb (Tara Chocol-Joyce) a little better!!!
(Lol - Smile)
~~~ * ~~~(Lol - Smile)
~~~~~~~~~~}{~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~}{~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~}{~~~~~~~~~~Fumbling Thru The Pices
- Behind The Scenes!
An assorted collection of Picture, from the shooting of Fumbling Thru The Pieces
- In Episode 1 -
the little truck runs into Jesse (Kelsey Robinson) feet....
That piece of movie magic was accomplished by our own Julie A. Smith,
and the amazing thing is it was done in one take...
Fumbling Thru The Pieces
- With us....
Fumbling Thru The Pieces
- With us....
~~~ * ~~~
If you're not not current on Episodes or interviews
with the 'Fumbling Thru The Pieces
-- check out the New Episode Guide --
Your quick index and link page to all that is Fumbling Thru The Pieces....
~~~ * ~~~

The Hurst:
Theme and Ring Tone
'Fumbling Thru The Pieces'
Available on iTunes
Available on iTunes
~~~ * ~~~
Kelsey Robinson
(Jesse Shaw, on Fumbling Thru The Pieces)
- Current Project is ' Girl Parts ' :
Girl Parts on Facebook,
Girl Parts on Youtube
~~~ * ~~~
PETs that Fumbling Thru The Pieces
The Willie-Coppee Fund is a joint charitable endeavor between Emmy award-winning actress Hillary B. Smith and her good friend, television writer and multiple-best-selling author Lindsay Harrison, and services clients of the CA-based Sherman Oaks Veterinary Group. The fund was established several years ago to honor the memory of their beloved dogs, Willie (Lindsay's Bichon Frise) and Coppee (Hillary's Golden Retriever), and serves to discreetly assist pet owners who may be struggling with overwhelming veterinary bills. Endowments that assist pet owners are incredibly important in today's challenged economy, as countless individuals are unable to provide routine care and medically necessary services for their furry friends.
How can you make a difference? go to The Willie-Coppee Fund
The PET - Section of this blog is located at the top right-hand corner of this page.
~~~ * ~~~
~~~ * ~~~
Kelsey Robinson
(Jesse Shaw, on Fumbling Thru The Pieces)
- Current Project is ' Girl Parts ' :
Girl Parts on Facebook,
Girl Parts on Youtube
~~~ * ~~~
PETs that Fumbling Thru The Pieces
The Willie-Coppee Fund
The Willie-Coppee Fund is a joint charitable endeavor between Emmy award-winning actress Hillary B. Smith and her good friend, television writer and multiple-best-selling author Lindsay Harrison, and services clients of the CA-based Sherman Oaks Veterinary Group. The fund was established several years ago to honor the memory of their beloved dogs, Willie (Lindsay's Bichon Frise) and Coppee (Hillary's Golden Retriever), and serves to discreetly assist pet owners who may be struggling with overwhelming veterinary bills. Endowments that assist pet owners are incredibly important in today's challenged economy, as countless individuals are unable to provide routine care and medically necessary services for their furry friends.
How can you make a difference? go to The Willie-Coppee Fund
- Contact: Project Liaison, Denise Balcarcel
The PET - Section of this blog is located at the top right-hand corner of this page.
~~~ * ~~~
Ava: Fumbling Thru The Pieces of - Transition of Love - Part 1 of 2
Hi!!!! (smile)
End of Part 1
I heard this story the other day, a friend; had just lost her grandmother...
The woman was 80-something, not ill ever, and broke something
- and four days later -
the transition was complete...
The woman was 80-something, not ill ever, and broke something
- and four days later -
the transition was complete...
Clearly, my friend was upset and hurt.
I knew a little about her grandmother,
so I tried - what I could... ---
I chirped (and trust me, I never chirp!(smile))
"isn't that why you went back home last year?"
- the conversation quickly turned to be about this vital older woman,
with all of her own teeth,
who never need reading glasses,
who ran her own business...
And still managed to take care of her husband too...
An old world family,
their residence is filled with
aunts and uncles,
their children
and their children's children,
- it sound way to old world for me -
but she lite up - talking about her family...
And quickly dimmed at the realization that she would not be there.
I felt it, as her voice got softer, and eyes wandered away...
I asked about her family traditions for Transition
- and shared about mine...
I 'm Creole,
so, the transition of someone to the other side is a glorious thing...
And we party.
I shouldn't emphasize that first,
but as with so many of our traditions - it is the point...
Of course,
we would go to the viewing,
and then the rosary,
and then church the next morning,
and then the grave yard!
And then it's us...
Our obligation for that person is done and fulfilled,
as far as the outside world is concerned
- then it's our time...
That's when we celebrate everything that that person was
the good and the bad,
friend or enemy
- cause they are free -
they don't work any more, no taxes, no struggle and no pain
- they are where they should be...
if there is crying to do
- it's for us who are left,
we should be cried for... (smile)
[I Love the People!!!]
She, my friend told me that her grandmother had
donated her body to science, the local university.
An Un-heard of event in her family -
"but she was modern, always modern, and doing things different"
the story went back to the older woman's lack of ailment or infirmity -
and she said " she didn't even need reading glasses... Not at all!!! "
I chirped in again
"well if that women was any where near as stubborn as you are,
she probably could see pretty well, but wouldn't get the glasses,
if she couldn't..."
They say the 'eyes are the windows to the soul'
- and in a flash I saw the glint of love
reflect off of the sheet of glass that was descending over her eyes -
she said "stubborn! (and with a faint smile of pride),
yes! I am stubborn like her,
she made stubborn like her" -
and to myself, I thought I missed meeting a great woman...
so I tried - what I could... ---
I chirped (and trust me, I never chirp!(smile))
"isn't that why you went back home last year?"
- the conversation quickly turned to be about this vital older woman,
with all of her own teeth,
who never need reading glasses,
who ran her own business...
And still managed to take care of her husband too...
An old world family,
their residence is filled with
aunts and uncles,
their children
and their children's children,
- it sound way to old world for me -
but she lite up - talking about her family...
And quickly dimmed at the realization that she would not be there.
I felt it, as her voice got softer, and eyes wandered away...
I asked about her family traditions for Transition
- and shared about mine...
I 'm Creole,
so, the transition of someone to the other side is a glorious thing...
And we party.
I shouldn't emphasize that first,
but as with so many of our traditions - it is the point...
Of course,
we would go to the viewing,
and then the rosary,
and then church the next morning,
and then the grave yard!
And then it's us...
Our obligation for that person is done and fulfilled,
as far as the outside world is concerned
- then it's our time...
That's when we celebrate everything that that person was
the good and the bad,
friend or enemy
- cause they are free -
they don't work any more, no taxes, no struggle and no pain
- they are where they should be...
if there is crying to do
- it's for us who are left,
we should be cried for... (smile)
[I Love the People!!!]
She, my friend told me that her grandmother had
donated her body to science, the local university.
An Un-heard of event in her family -
"but she was modern, always modern, and doing things different"
the story went back to the older woman's lack of ailment or infirmity -
and she said " she didn't even need reading glasses... Not at all!!! "
I chirped in again
"well if that women was any where near as stubborn as you are,
she probably could see pretty well, but wouldn't get the glasses,
if she couldn't..."
They say the 'eyes are the windows to the soul'
- and in a flash I saw the glint of love
reflect off of the sheet of glass that was descending over her eyes -
she said "stubborn! (and with a faint smile of pride),
yes! I am stubborn like her,
she made stubborn like her" -
and to myself, I thought I missed meeting a great woman...
End of Part 1
See ya tomorrow...
From the Fumbling Thru The Pieces-verse:
Thank you all for your Luv, Support, Participation and Being...
We feel that we have created, something so wonder-fulled,
and have shared it with the "Verse"
with unexpected results...
When we look around -
it's not so much what we have done...
But each one of you!
~~} FTTP -- The Promo - Episode 1 -Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 {~~
--- Channel (Our YouTube CHANNEL) ---
Be sure to Friend, become a Subscriber, or take out a Subscription (IDK!)
- and if you like our efforts please give a Thumbs Up! and comment..
From the Fumbling Thru The Pieces-verse:
Thank you all for your Luv, Support, Participation and Being...
We feel that we have created, something so wonder-fulled,
and have shared it with the "Verse"
with unexpected results...
When we look around -
it's not so much what we have done...
But each one of you!
~~} FTTP -- The Promo - Episode 1 -Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 {~~
--- Channel (Our YouTube CHANNEL) ---
Be sure to Friend, become a Subscriber, or take out a Subscription (IDK!)
- and if you like our efforts please give a Thumbs Up! and comment..
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