Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ava's: First-ly:Middle-ly:Last-ly - Fumbling Thru The Pieces --- Blog:09 Mar 2011

Fumbling Thru The Pieces - 
Shot in 9 (nine) Days! (6 days for the first shoot thru, then 3 more days to complete...) 

- An Amazing level of tired... (smile)
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And the Cast of "Fumbling Thru The Pieces" is: 
Ellie Daniels - Hillary B. Smith 
Vince Daniels - Robert Mafia 
Jesse Shaw - Kelsey Robinson 
Shara Rose - Diane Delano 
Barb - Tara Chocol-Joyce 
Stella - Kitty Swink
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Massive Car Repair(s) - 
Date Line: Los Angeles, without a Car.... (Dammed!) 
Status: Hope-Less... (Where there is life there is hope! - but it does less-en) 
Alert Level: HIGH - Violet! (such a pretty color...(smile)) 
Fumbling Thur The Pieces: Episode 3 - Rules!!!! 
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So, One of my future Olympic medals for dumb things - will be in the "solo-spin out in the rain" category. Yep! a couple of weeks ago... I thought I did good riding up the side of this mountain, but I hitting the curb on the way up - and it did little for the health of the car! 
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I went into work on Sunday, thinking I could get a head start on what was there - and go into work on Monday, afternoon. Great Plan! - except its Noon Time, and they are still taking, the car apart... Dang-it! (wouldn't 'Noon', always be a time? - anyway!)
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My friend calls me awhile ago, and I relay the story to him, and he says 
"Well! if you had listened to me, 
none of this would have happened... 
and I stopped him quickly (smile) and said 
"Baby, do know what I am hearing right now? 
I am hearing someone that is applying for dismissal! 
- Babe, would you like... to be dismissed....?" 
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Okay - so, we are going to lunch! 
- I mean I feel bad enough! 
- and have no IDEA how much it is going to cost? 
- and I don't need someone "beating me up" about something I am fixing... 
(and I will not have someone do that... (smile)) 
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Need to find a ride to work tomorrow... 
--------------------------- > to be continued... < --------------------------- 
Does it ever end? Fumbling Thru The Pieces - Episode 3 ( #FumblingThruThePieces ) 
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Comments, questions, friendship, just let me know! (smile)


  1. Aww Ava...

    When I want to get in a good mood...I say to myself, "let me see if Ava has another entry to her blog" and by george, she does....

    I have to say the "Lastly" part to this entry is my favorite part....

    Sorry about your car and hope it gets fixed soonish, not noonish, time it is raining Ava, maybe it's a good idea to not drive near any mountain, lol You, your car and your cat...just are not getting along too well these days...hehe

    Awww, the friend, was he dimissed? He should be the one taking you to Will be waiting to hear what happen to your

    Good entry today Ava....You truly are, Fumbling Thru The Pieces....

  2. I love it! Gotta hate when the car goes down in Lala land and you have to be somewhere...anywhere...especially work..and you know the boss has heard it all!
